린 생산 및 품질 개선

Purity aims to explore and shape culture and traditions that are beneficial to the development of enterprises over a long period of time. In terms of lean production, we have a lot of accumulation and experiences, but we are still pursuing continuous improvement.

In 2020, a third-party tutoring agency was invited to help the company promote 6S and QCC activities in more scientific ways. The activities are like implanting a seed at Purity, and continuous improvement has become the daily work within the company.

In 2022, a number of improvement activities were held, such as speech contest and theme seminar which were related to improvements.

On December 1st, 2022, Purity commended the advanced units for improvement and continued to plan the next period of improvement activities, so that the culture and tradition of continuous improvement could take root in the soil of Purity and sprout.


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