बेस्ट हैंड हेल्ड शावर हेड

आइटम नंबर 104401

कल्पना  Ø92मिमी/एच241.3मिमी 

समापन समारोह

अधिक जानकारी


Hand Held Shower Head Specification

प्रोडक्ट का नाम हाथ में शावर
सामग्री संभालें पेट
नोजल सामग्री टीपीई
सतह 1.क्रोम प्लेटेड
2.ब्रश निकेल
3.शानदार कांस्य पीवीडी
4.गहरा कांस्य पीवीडी
5. मैट ब्लैक कोटिंग
डिज़ाइन शैली आधुनिक

3. वातन
5.पूर्ण स्प्रे

हैंड हेल्ड शावर हेड

हैंड हेल्ड शावर हेड

हैंड हेल्ड शावर हेड

हैंड हेल्ड शावर हेड

 Hand Held Shower Head Features

Aerated Spray: Aerated spray a feate that mixes air with the water to produce tiny ubles that create a gentle and refreshing shower experience. Th technolo reduces the volume of water used without comproming the shower’s performance. The result a shower that not only good for yo skin ut also ses water and money.

Message Spray: The message spray a feate that pulsates the water to give a massaging effect on yo skin. Th feate tns yo shower into a spa-like experience that s to rejuvenate yo ody after a long day. The massage spray can enefit people with sore muscles, stress, and fatigue. 

Handheld showerheads: Handheld showerheads are desied to provide easy handling and a comfortale grip. They are ideal for people who need flexiility and moility while taking a shower. The handheld showerheads come with a long hose that enales you to reach all parts of yo ody easily. They are perfect for people with dailities, children, and elderly people. 

Connection size: Universal G 1/2 connection standard and fits most shower hoses. Th connection size makes it easy to install and replace the showerheads. You don’t need to worry aout compatiility sues when pchasing a new showerhead as long it has a universal G 1/2 connection. 

Different Finhes: Showerheads come in different finhes such as chrome, rushed nickel, and oil-rued ronze. These finhes enhance the showerheads’ appearance, and they are uilt to rest scratches, corrosion, and tarnhing. The finhes make the showerheads easy to clean and maintain. 

Spray Modes: Showerheads come with different spray modes that provide a satfying shower experience. The five different spray modes ailale are spray, massage, rain, mt, and pause. The different spray modes provide you with options to suit yo mood and preference. The high-presse water spray modes immerse you in warm, invigorating water that washes all yo stresses away. 


As a household item that accompanies us every day, j sprinkles are not only used for cleaning, but also for the process of stress relief and relaxation. After a tiring work day, the moment of soothing in the shower is the best experience. Its importance!
If you want to have a good bathing quality, it is not only related to the temperature of the water, but also to the way and speed of the water. Therefore, it is very important to choose a suitable shower head.

The water outlet method of the shower head

1. General formula
The showers purchased by most households are general-style water outlets, which can meet basic showering needs. The operation is relatively simple and quick, and it is suitable for people who take a quick bath. The requirements for showering are not very high, and the length of bathing can be flexibly controlled.

2. मालिश

It is to concentrate all the water flow into the massage water hole, which enhances the strength of the water, and the sprayed water is fast and large. It has a certain massage effect and can effectively relieve physical fatigue. It is very suitable for office workers.

3. Spray type
The spray holes in it have been specially designed and improved, so that when the water flows through, it will be sprayed in a mist shape, expanding the area of the water outlet, and the water outlet is relatively gentle, and the washing is very clean.

4. Bubble
Mainly by injecting air into the water flow, and then mixing in the internal air grooves to form sparkling water, in this way, the water flow will become fuller and softer. When sprayed on the body, the small bubbles will continue to burst, and it feels like being massaged by water, which is very comfortable. Different baths support different water outlet methods. Although some showers have multiple modes of adjustment, there are often only 1 or 2 modes used in daily use.


Purity (Xiamen) Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. a professional Hand Held Shower Head factory, founded in 2006. With a staff size of 600-699 people, the company occupies an area of over 100,000 square meters.

As a leading manufacter in the sanitary ware industry, PURITY dedicated to providing high-quality Hand Held Shower Head products. The company has an extensive range of shower heads, which cater to different customer needs and preferences.

PURITY committed to innovation and takes pride in its state-of-the-art manufacting facilities, where modern equipment and advanced technolo are used to produce cutting-edge products. The company also places a strong emphas on quality assance and control, with strict meases put in place to ense that all Hand Held Shower Head comply with industry standards.

With years of experience in the industry, PURITY has estalhed a road customer ase oth domestically and overseas. The company’s Hand Held Shower Head products are sold in many countries worldwide and are widely recoized for their quality, daility, and affordaility.

As a socially responsile company, PURITY committed to conserving the environment and using sustainale manufacting practs. The company strives to achi a alance etween economic dlopment and environmental protection, ensing that its products ali with the values of oth the company and the customers.

प्योरिटी शॉवर कॉलम, प्लास्टिक हैंड शॉवर, शॉवरहेड, किचन स्प्रे, साबुन डिस्पेंसर, लिफ्टिंग रॉड्स, शॉवर आर्म्स, नल आदि जैसे सैनिटरी उत्पादों के उत्पादन और बिक्री में विशेषज्ञता रखती है। हम खुद को पूरी तरह से पेशेवर से सुसज्जित कर चुके हैं। तृतीय हर पहलू में हमारे ग्राहकों की सेवा के लिए टीम, परीक्षण प्रयोगशाला और बुद्धिमान उत्पादन कार्यशालाएँ।